
Devart UniDAC v10.3.2 Professional for Delphi 6 - 12 Athens

Universal Data Access Components (UniDAC) is a powerful library of nonvisual cross-database data access components for Delphi, Delphi for .NET, C++Builder, and Lazarus (Free Pascal). We have combined...


Universal Data Access Components (UniDAC) is a powerful library of nonvisual cross-database data access components for Delphi, Delphi for .NET, C++Builder, and Lazarus (Free Pascal). We have combined the experience of long-term successful development into one product, which provides unified access to the popular database servers like Oracle, Microsoft SQL Server, MySQL, InterBase, Firebird, PostgreSQL, SQLite, DB2, Microsoft Access, Sybase Advantage Database Server, Sybase Adaptive Server Enterprise, and other databases (using ODBC provider).

UniDAC offers unified approach to the database-related applications development process. That means you can switch easily between different databases in your projects without going deep into their specifics.

Using UniDAC with its server-independent interface is the best way to create cross-database applications. UniDAC gives outstanding flexibility and independence to your projects.

Server-Aware Providers
UniDAC chooses the best way specific to the server to perform most operations. Every UniDAC data provider uses server-specific native connectivity. All operations with data are performed by providers automatically considering the selected database server peculiarities.

Cross-Platform Solution for Delphi, C++Builder, and Lazarus
UniDAC is a cross-platform solution for developing applications using various IDEs: RAD Studio, Delphi, C++Builder, Lazarus (and FPC) on Windows, Mac OS X, iOS, Android, Linux, and FreeBSD for both x86 and x64 platforms. UniDAC also provides support for the FireMonkey platform, which allows you to develop visually spectacular high-performance desktop and mobile native applications.

Server-Independent SQL
When developing database applications that allow working with several databases, one of the key points is writing of server-independent SQL. In UniDAC, the server-independent SQL support is implemented by means of the powerful macros engine, that produces dynamic SQL by replacing parts of the query statements with user-defined code.

10.3.2 20-Jan-25

Added the CloneCursor method to the VirtualTable component
Moved the CRFunctions.CRTimeZoneInformation global variable to the interface section
Fixed an issue with the SaveToXML method of the TMemDataSet class and its descendants, which occurred when saving UUID fields
Fixed a bug that occurred when calling the RefreshRecord method with FullRefresh set to True
Fixed an issue with processing the Filter property of a dataset that occurred when it included the NOT operation
Fixed an issue with using subfunctions in a filter
Fixed a bug with the UniStoredProc component handling parameters when the UniConnection component contains defined macros (Common)
Fixed an issue with migrating from IBX to UniDAC using the Migration Wizard
Fixed an issue in the TVirtualQuery component that caused inaccurate results for aggregate functions when applied to floating-point columns
Fixed an issue with opening TVirtualQuery with a specific FetchRows value
Fixed a bug in the TVirtualQuery component that occurred when executing a query containing an ORDER BY clause
Resolved a memory leak issue in the TVirtualDataSet component that occurred when Filtered was set to True

Oracle data provider

Fixed a bug that caused the last LF to be incorrectly converted to a CRLF line break in CLOB values
Fixed a bug that occurred during DML batch operations when all parameter values were cleared
Fixed an issue with supporting self-signed certificates for the SSL protocol in Direct mode
Fixed an issue with reading UTF-16 surrogate pairs in Lazarus when using Direct mode

SQLServer data provider

Added the TrustSelfSignedCertificate connection option for the Direct mode
Added the HostNameInCertificate connection option for the prMSOLEDB provider
Added the ServerCertificate connection option for the prMSOLEDB provider
Resolved an issue with quoting parameter names
Fixed a bug with processing string fields that occurred when the UTF-8 code page was used
Fixed a bug causing string truncation when using TMSLoader
Fixed a bug with handling special characters in parameter names
Fixed an issue with binding ftFMTBCD parameters by OLE DB providers
Fixed an issue where an "Unspecified error" exception occurred upon connection loss in the prMSOLEDB provider

MySQL data provider

Fixed a bug causing an assertion failure when using the TCRSSHIOHandler component with FetchAll set to False
Fixed an issue with handling stored procedures when SELECT privileges were not granted

PostgreSQL data provider

Fixed a bug with parsing parameters in anonymous blocks
Fixed a bug with parsing dollar-quoted blocks
Fixed an issue with the '.' time separator
Fixed an issue with the AutoCommit behavior that occurred when using Execute for batch operations
Fixed a bug related to the use of multiple schemas
Fixed an issue with ENUM data types in dumps
Fixed an issue with the CHAR data type
Fixed an issue with array data types in dumps

InterBase data provider

Fixed an issue where changes to BLOB fields were not rolled back after canceling modifications to the dataset
Fixed a bug causing a "List index(1) out of bounds" error during the processing of SQL queries with the RETURNING clause
Fixed a bug causing an "Invalid cursor reference. Cursor is not open" error during the processing of SQL queries with the RETURNING clause
Fixed an issue where Rollback was executed incorrectly when AutoCommit was set to False

MongoDB data provider

Fixed an issue with inserting documents with duplicate _id values
Fixed a bug causing an Access Violation error when the database name contained underscores

Access data provider

Added support for retrieving the last generated value of an AutoNumber column via the LastInsertId property in Direct mode
Resolved an Access Violation error that occurred when data type mapping rules were configured for the Connection component
Fixed a bug causing an Access Violation error when inserting a record into a table with foreign keys
Fixed a bug that occurred when opening a database containing saved queries
Fixed a bug that occurred when updating a table with Long Text columns

Excel data provider

Resolved an issue with reading empty cells formatted with a date style
Fixed a bug that occurred when reading cells with complex text formatting

Additional Information